A unique and exclusive label to differentiate your product from the competition. A clear sign of sustainability environmental.
GiT Product Badge
GREENiTOP® recognize a product, by means of its Technical Committee (Advisor), considering the following objective evidences:
1st type (ISO 14024) Third Party Product Certifications
2nd type (ISO 14021) Environmental Self-certifications
3rd type (ISO 14025) Environmental Statement of the Product
Why do we rate products?
On the market, there are many logos that define themselves as "green", that is to say self-declarations and / or declarations that state that a particular material is "green" or that it satisfies specific environmental performances.
How can you find your way in this complex matter?
How can you understand if a brand, a sticker or a logo you find on a product, on its package or in a commercial guarantees that the product is really sustainable?
You can judge a material considering different environmental features, for example:
How much energy you need to consume to produce it (CO2 emission)?
Do the materials used to make it respect the legislation in force (VOC,formaldehyde, etc.)?
Is the manufacturing local (0 km. or Made in Italy)?
Are the producing processes controlled and traceable (according to the manufacturing protocol)?
How much recycled material is used in the product, package included?
To what extent is it recyclable (waste production)?
Does the material have a Third Party certification (eg FSC / PEFC, Declare, Cradle to Cradle, GreenGuard, LCA / EPD, SCS FloorScore, etc.)?
Has the material been tested (e.g. test report by Test Laboratories)?
... and more
The term “Greenwashing” is the totality of the general and ambiguous terminologies as for example bio, eco, compatible, sustainable, recyclable, compostable, natural, genuine etc. used by producers/business owners, without providing objective and verifiable support.
A unique and exclusive label to differentiate your product from the competition. A clear sign of sustainability environmental.