Products Windows Monobloc


Windows Monobloc


La falegnameria Bittolo, diligently follows the innovations of the new subframe systems, in order to ensure excellent stability to the frame and very high thermal performance. The wide range of products it offers and produces varies from traditional to innovative, always respecting the standards that today's market requires. LABORATORIO ARTIGIANALE BITTOLO SRL has chosen to use hemp panels, a rapidly renewable material for the following products: • Roll-up monobloc • Mooboloccco sunscreen • Blackout monobloc • Dark monobloc / shutter

Note: All the information below was checked with advisor QualityNet support

Credits for LEED® System #6


EAp2 Prestazioni energetiche minime

EAc1 Ottimizzazione delle prestazioni energetiche

MRc2 Gestione dei rifiuti da costruzione

MRc6 Materiali rapidamente rinnovabili

QIc4.1 Materiali basso emissivi: adesivi, primers, sigillanti, materiali cementizi e finiture per legno

SSp1 Prevenzione dell'inquinamento da attività di cantiere

QIc4.4 Materiali basso emissivi: prodotti in legno composito e fibre vegetali

IPc1 Innovazione nella Progettazione: titolo specifico

LEED NC 2009

SSp1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

EAp2 Minimum Energy Performance

EAc1 Optimize Energy Performance

MRc2 Construction Waste Management

MRc6 Rapidly Renewable Materials

IAQc4.1 Low-Emitting Materials—Adhesives and Sealants

IAQc4.4 Low-Emitting Materials—Composite Wood and Agrifiber Products

IPc1.1 Innovation in Design: Specific Title


SSp1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

EAp2 Minimum Energy Performance

EAc1 Optimize Energy Performance

MRc2 Construction Waste Management

MRc6 Rapidly Renewable Materials

IAQc4.1 Low-Emitting Materials - Adhesives & Sealants

IAQc4.4 Low-Emitting Materials - Composite Wood & Agrifiber Products

IPc1.1 Innovation in Design: Specific Title


SSp1 Construction Activity Pollution Prevention

EAp2 Minimum Energy Performance

EAc2 Optimize Energy Performance

MRc5 Construction and Demolition Waste Management

IAQc2 Low-Emitting Materials

IPc1 Innovation