Office furniture POP AD
Pop Ad is an innovative height-adjustable office desk system designed to combine functionality with ergonomics, adapting technology to the physical needs of each individual. The individual desks and multi-station benches can be adjusted independently thanks to a practical push-button panel located under the work surface, which allows to memorise up to three different height positions. This feature allows each user to change their posture during their working day, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and improving mental and physical well-being. Pop Ad adjustable desks are designed to support various working styles, improve concentration, increase productivity and promote general health.
Note: All the information below was checked with advisor QualityNet support
Green Features #6
doneISO 14001
doneRecyclable Product Packaging
doneRecyclable material
doneRecycled Content Preconsumer
doneRecycled Content Postconsumer
Credits for LEED® System #4
EAp2 Minimum Energy Performance
EAc2 Optimize Energy Performance
MRc3 Building Product Disclosure and Optimization - Sourcing of Raw Materials
MRc5 Construction and Demolition Waste Management