Company Progress Profile S.p.A.

PROGRESS PROFILE S.P.A. Products & LEED® credits
Aluminium Profile (floors and coverings)

Aluminium Profile (floors and coverings)

Each signed Progress Profiles product is designed, manufactured and tested according to the most stringent industry specifications that certify the excellence from every point of v...

Steel profiles (floors and coverings)

Steel profiles (floors and coverings)

Each signed Progress Profiles product is designed, manufactured and tested according to the most stringent industry specifications that certify the excellence from every point of v...

Brass profiles (floors and coverings)

Brass profiles (floors and coverings)

Each signed Progress Profiles product is designed, manufactured and tested according to the most stringent industry specifications that certify the excellence from every point of v...

Floors (wood profiles)

Floors (wood profiles)

Each signed Progress Profiles product is designed, manufactured and tested according to the most stringent industry specifications that certify the excellence from every point of v...

Building Systems (PVC components)

Building Systems (PVC components)

Each signed Progress Profiles product is designed, manufactured and tested according to the most stringent industry specifications that certify the excellence from every point of v...

Iron profiles

Iron profiles

Each signed Progress Profiles product is designed, manufactured and tested according to the most stringent industry specifications that certify the excellence from every point of v...

PRODESO membrane (uncoupling & waterproofing membrane)

PRODESO membrane (uncoupling & waterproofing membrane)

Prodeso is a waterproofing membrane and a separating low density polyethylene provided with circular cavities and coated on both sides of a polypropylene non-woven fabric heat-seal...

PRODESO HEAT membrane (uncoupling waterproofing membrane for electric heating)

PRODESO HEAT membrane (uncoupling waterproofing membrane for electric heating)

The Prodeso Heat membrane is a membrane made of polypropylene, with pseudo square pads equipped with interlocking locations to ensure the engagement of the heating electric wire, p...

PROFOIL (waterproofing membrane)

PROFOIL (waterproofing membrane)

Profoil is a waterproofing membrane in an elastic polyethylene provided on both sides of polypropylene non-woven fabric that guarantees a high adhesion to the support. It is use...

 PRODRAIN membrane (drainage membrane)

PRODRAIN membrane (drainage membrane)

Prodrain is a draining membrane made from a sheet of high density polyethylene (HDPE) of blue color provided with conical reliefs in circular bases, surmounted by a non-woven fabri...